
We offer high quality mRNA (5 moU, Cap 1 and poly(A) tail) for in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies. The mRNA are compatible with commonly used transfection reagents, lipid, polymeric and metallic nanoparticle delivery systems.

  • DECORATOR™ mRNA-  unique pre-designed, fully capped and poly-adenylated mRNAs for applications such as screening delivery formulations in vitro and in vivo.

  • Reporter mRNA – for tracking mRNA using fluorescence or luminescence based detection methods

  • Functional mRNA – Detect biological activity of delivered mRNA using Cre or Beta-galactosidase

  • Immunogenic mRNA- Ova or other immunogenic mRNA are available upon request

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Commonly used mRNA tags depend on fluorescence or luminescence. These could have longer processing time and could photobleaching due to long processes. Also, typically one mRNA has one type of tag! But, your research should not be limited by screening methods!

Our proprietary DECORATOR™ mRNA expressing cells and tissues can be targeted by  5 tags!

Choose and detect your mRNA expression using any of the anti- His, HA, V5, cmyc and VHH antibodies.

Detect DECORATOR™ using: Immunofluorescence microscopy; Histology staining; Flow cytometry; ELISA; Western blot and/or Tag purification.

DECORATOR mRNA can be ordered with unmodified or modified bases. Bulk orders available!

Cat# Size Unit Price
DECORATOR-100 0.1 mg $ 500
DECORATOR-1000 1 mg $ 3000
DECORATOR-5000 5 mg $ 12,000

Functional mRNA

Cre mRNA: Cre recombinase is widely used for DNA fragment inversion, deletion and translocation by recognizing the loxP sites. Our Cre mRNA with nuclear localization sequence improves the recombination events and can be effectively used for Cre-dependent gene expression, gene knockout, selection marker removal or as a reporter for in vitro or in vivo functional screens.

Beta-galactosidase mRNA: The enzyme beta-galactosidase (E.coli lacZ gene) typically converts lactose substrate into glucose and galactose. However, derivatives of lactose like X-gal, o-nitrophenyl b-D-galactopyranoside, Galacto-Light Plus™ and others lead to colorimetric or chemiluminescence products, which have numerous applications in cancer, biodistribution and imaging studies.

Cat# Size Unit Price
Cre-100 0.1mg $ 300
Cre-1000 1 mg $ 1500
Cre-5000 5 mg $ 5250
Cat# Size Unit Price
b-gal-100 0.1mg $ 300
b-gal-1000 1 mg $ 1500
b-gal-5000 5 mg $ 5250
Cat# Size Unit Price
fu-GFP-100 0.1 mg $ 290
fu-GFP-1000  1 mg  $ 1400
fu-GFP-5000  5 mg $ 5050

Reporter mRNA

Fluc: Firefly luciferase is extensively used as a luminescence reporter system for transfection efficiency studies, non-invasive whole body imaging and biodistribution applications. Our Fluc mRNA is optimized for fast and efficient expression of luciferase in as little 2 hours after transfection and administration.

GFP: Green fluorescent protein is the most commonly used fluorescent protein reporter. Evaluate your transfection in as little as 2 hours in cell culture or screen delivery nanoparticles like lipid nanoparticle (LNP) using our optimized GFP mRNA.

 Cat# Size Unit Price
f-luc-100 0.1 mg $ 290
f-luc-1000 1 mg $ 1400
f-luc-5000 5 mg $ 5050

Application Areas



Synthetic Biology



Join the mRNA revolution

We are a multi-disciplinary company focussed on developing efficient mRNA based drug discovery.

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